A New Friend; Cockroach!
Cockroach had existed almost since before human evolved; they almost unchanged for perhaps two hundred and fifty million years. They breathe the same air that we breathe in; you can find them almost everywhere in this world, though they avoid sunlight as much as they can–they might be just hiding under your dresser, your damp bathroom, the small storage beneath the plumbing, or sometimes in between your laundry piles.
There is an incredible variety of cockroaches: more than 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats and about four species of these ancient friends are well known as vermin.
This ancient friend is considered disgusting in the western part of the globe. Cockroaches are eaten in many places around the world. Whereas household pest cockroaches may carry bacteria and viruses, cockroaches bred under laboratory conditions can be used to prepare nutritious food. In Mexico and Thailand, the heads and legs are removed, and the remainder may be boiled, sautéed, grilled, dried, or diced. In China, cockroaches have become popular as medicine and cockroach farming is rising with over 100 farms. The cockroaches are fried twice in a wok of hot oil, which makes them crispy with soft innards that are like cottage cheese. Fried cockroaches are ground and sold as pills for stomach, heart and liver diseases. A cockroach recipe from Formosa (Taiwan) specifies salting and frying cockroaches after removing the head and entrails.
Today, we know that the requirement to minimize waste and resource use is equally necessary on Earth. The future is always symbolised by reproduction; children are the future. The future is not only for humans and their offsprings, but also for agencies or other creatures besides humans. Therefore, when thinking about the future, we also have to think about sustainability.
Sustainability can be achieved if life is not only human-centered. Humans only exploit what is in nature for their own needs. Humans are not the only creature that has an agency.